SEO Compliance Vs SEO Campaigns

Running an SEO campaign is like training for an iron man. You need a coach and your coach is your SEO company. You can’t just check maintenance boxes and expect to rank on the first page of search results. Working with the right SEO company will help you design and execute an effective SEO campaign that will give you a good foundation to build from.

SEO Compliance Vs SEO Campaigns

SEO Compliance Vs SEO Campaigns

As an SEO Company, we view SEO as a lot like working out. People who never work out are not in shape and they are not actively trying to get in shape. Other people work out just to maintain their current state of health and fitness. But when it comes to training for an extreme physical event such as Iron Man, you need a coach and a regular, intense workout schedule. 

SEO compliance is just like working out to maintain your current state of health and fitness. You are only putting in the maintenance work to make sure your site is compliant with Google’s ever-changing algorithm. An SEO company can help with this but you don’t necessarily need one. You're really just checking boxes to make sure your site checks out for the Google bots crawling your pages for search results indexing. 

Running an SEO campaign is like training for an iron man. You need a coach and your coach is your SEO company. You can’t just check maintenance boxes and expect to rank on the first page of search results. Working with the right SEO company will help you design and execute an effective SEO campaign that will give you a good foundation to build from. 

The problem we see as an SEO company is that a lot of online brands and businesses confuse SEO compliance with SEO campaigns. Making sure your site has fast load times and all meta tags and titles are installed properly is way different than running an active SEO campaign where you write a high volume of new, SEO keyword-optimized content, and build links on quality sites that lead back to yours. SEO compliance you can probably do yourself. An active SEO campaign needs outside help from an SEO expert. 

Ready to Run an Effective SEO Campaign?

Are you ready to rank on the first page of search results for your target keywords? Let's chat.

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