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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We have answers

What is your web design and development process?

Our web design and development process is one that’s been refined over the course of 60+ projects. Typically, we start with a strategy call, then move to a brand messaging review, then to a website design sprint, then to a copywriting/keyword research sprint, then we develop the site, run a QA audit, and go live. This process helps keep projects on track and facilitate feedback easily.

What will be required of our firm throughout the project?

We like to make our projects fun and stress free. Past clients normally estimate that we need 1-2 hours of their time / week to review our work and offer feedback. If you’re prompt and detailed with your feedback, then our website redesign, SEO, or brand strategy work shouldn’t be too stressful.

How long will the project (realistically) take?

Our projects are always bespoke to the client, so we don’t have a “packaged” timeline. Some projects will last 21 days, some will last up to 90 days. It comes down to the scope of the project, and how easy it is to communicate with the client.

How do you structure your projects for success?

Our team works in project phases / milestones. Each phase / milestone has a detailed timeline that helps us stay on track and complete the project in the time allotted. This also helps our team stay within budget, as we’ve done on 100% of our projects.